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Given the name „Char léger modèle 1935 H“ (light tank model 1935 H), the 400 machines were received between July 1936 and September 1938. The camouflages patterns suggested in the box pertain to both tanks that belonged to the first DLM (Light Mechanical Division). The one belonging to the 18th Dragons represents the tank as it was in 1937. The 4th Cuirassier Regiment had a tank that took part in the fighting from May to June 1940.

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Because it's important to us!

At Heller, we are constantly working to produce our products as sustainable as possible. In recent years, we have therefore taken many measures to increase resource efficiency as much as possible.

Recycled plastic

Since 2023, we have been producing all Heller model kits with recycled plastic. This gives existing plastic a new life in a great kit while maintaining the same quality.

No bags and film

Instead of packing our sprues in plastic bags, we use tissue paper to transport all components in a clean, protected and environmentally friendly way. Thanks to our seal closure, we do not need shrink film. This also significantly increases the recyclability of our packaging.

Oldies but Goldies

We are proud of our large archive of injection moulds. That is why we rework, repair and improve existing moulds instead of throwing them away. Great models are preserved and at the same time a lot of energy and material is saved. That's why we proudly display the year of manufacture of our moulds and the year of the last general overhaul clearly on every product box.

Model Kits Figures Starter Kit Plastic People Tank France Army Military World War II Vehicles

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